ssClient 3.0021 - antihack,who at the timeofmakingscreenshots ofwhat he seesa player,and storesthemon the server.Viewthe addcan help identifycheatersusingwallhack,as well asmany othercheatsthat are visibleinHUDe.
Cheating-Death,supportedbyUnited Admins,hasfar lessflexibility andwas originally intendedonlyforgames basedon the engine,Quake II.Therefore, at presentalmost impossible tofind aCS-server, whichwouldnot requirethe presence ofthe customerCheating-Death,installed on theuser's machine.The program worksinbackground and does notrequire anytrickymanipulationforits launch.The principle of operationis alsosimilar toPunkBuster.The main drawback ofCheating-Death (apart froma small numberof supported games)is thatthis programmust be installed separatelyas opposed tothe samePunkBuster,includes, as arule, thepatches.
ssClient 3.0 - antihack,who at the timeofmakingscreenshots ofwhat he seesplayerand storesthemon the server.Viewthe addcan help identifycheatersusingwallhack,as well as manyothercheatsthat are visibleinHUDe.
ssServer 3.0 - anti hack,which at the timeofmakingscreenshots ofwhat he seesplayerand storesthemon the server.Viewthe addcan help identifycheatersusingwallhack,as well as manyothercheatsthat are visibleinHUDe.