Xiomara Final - meat cheat for Counter-Strike 1.6 in the performance of Chinese. Released reader: 24.09.2010.
Like most Chinese cheating, this can be attributed to meat cheats for functional allows.
Features about the same as in the previous Cheetah:
AimBot - the sight itself is induced by HeaD enemy. Chances are there No Recoil (off recoil when firing), and No Spread (dispersion off bullets).
There is also a WH and ESP, they will help you to see enemies and certain objects through walls. SpeedHack will make you very fast because it speeds up all the player's actions. Chita is WayPoins (green lines in the image below which will run on spidhake player), but only to map de_dust2.
Perhaps there is another small feature, but they are irrelevant.
Patch tested for 26 patch.
Chita is a menu that is called on Insert `e.
PASS hacks-cs.clan.su