description: Program to change theformatofmodels*. mdl,from right to leftand back again. Can be used tochange the display ofa specificweapon, simply putallows to changethe lefthand on the rightand vice versa. For exampleifyou wanted to doall the weaponsathis right handanda knife onthe left, then this programyou just need.
installation: Unzip the folderwith the game.
Uses: 1.Click onthe browse buttonand selectone of the modelsin the foldercstrike \ models,whose namebegins with"v_". 2.Start theconversionand wait untilthe status barwill appearthe word"Done". 3.Close the program. 4.Go to yourcstrike \ models. 5.Find themodelyou areediting, and find themodelwiththe same titlewith the word"gflip"in it. 6.Rename /Delete/Movethe old model. 7.Removethe new model,from the title, the text"_gflip".